Friday, December 5, 2008

Dirt Cheap Spay and Neuter for Cats! Please spread the news.

PETCO and KITTICO CAT RESCUE are offering your cat(s) a very special Christmas present: $9.99 SPAY OR NEUTER

Please forward to anyone you know who might be interested. This deal is especially helpful for those who have many strays/ferals in their neighborhood who continue to reproduce. Information is below. Make sure you specifiy this offer otherwise they may ask that you donate $55 for their services.

Location: Richardson PETCO at 1401 E. Spring Valley Rd., 75081
Date: DECEMBER 11, 2008 (Thursday)
Drop Off Time: 6:30 to 8:00 a.m.
Pick up Time: 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Appointments; appreciated, but not necessary.
Contact Celia at 469/865-4438 for more information.
No food after midnight. All cats must be in separate clean carriers with large towel or newspaper in bottom of carrier. Traps accepted also; please cover trap to keep cat calm. .Kittens must be 10 to 12 weeks old or 2 pounds.
For 4 in 1 vaccination, add $15.00

$9.99 THAT¢S RIGHT!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

This is a Fantastic Deal! If anybody needs to have a cat altered, I'd jump on it Quick as in DO make an appointment so you know you can get it done. And you know, even if you forget to mention the special, $55 for a spay or neuter is STILL a steal!