Friday, November 19, 2010


I've been away from this blog for far too long.  To tell the truth I've been cheating on this blog with Facebook.  I used to be one of those people who could write essays upon essays at any given time.  But Twitter and Facebook lured me in with their short bursts of updates on real life.  I could even post pictures there!  At least on Facebook.

But I miss my blog.  I miss the real substance it allows in my postings.  So I'm making a concerted effort to revive this blog.

For a while, this blog will be mostly about the foster cats.  I'm going to continue to try not to bog this area down with politics or news.  I'll save that for my Facebook statuses.  But eventually I'd like to get back to gardening and I'd like to get back to blogging about food.  I really need to start documenting my costuming again as well.  Since my focus in life is the cats, though, the focus on the blog should be on the cats.  I'll also likely document my struggles in keeping my ailing dog healthy in her last days on Earth because that is another thing my life revolves around right now.

If you've stuck with me through the dry spell, thanks!  If you are new to the blog, welcome!  And if you are stopping by just to peek, I hope I can keep your interest.  For now, the only thing left to say is, look out blogosphere!  I'm back!  Prepare for kitties!!!


Anonymous said...

Howdy again! *laughs* I'm all for kitties.

